Monday, May 08, 2006

Facts of Life

In my 23 years here on earth… I guess I have picked up several things… let me tell you what they are:

"You can't always get what you want"
So, when life throws you lemons..... slice 'em up and have tequila shots! Whooohooooo!!!!!!!!

Be good, and you will be lonely.

There's always a lot of hype involved in things. You're bound to get disappointed one way or another.

Double standards exist.

No matter how you wanted it and no matter how hard you try to have it, if it's not meant for you, it will never be yours...

Good things never last!

Isn’t it funny how remembering sad things of the past make us laugh?

Isn’t it sad how remembering happy moments gone by make us cry?

To hold on to something that you know would never be yours in any way you think of, you just have to face that fact that while some good things never last... some don't even start..

Once trust is broken, it can never be restored to the way it was before ... no matter how much you try to make amends

Life is not a walk in the park - it's a jungle out there.

One’s real life is so often the life that one does not lead.

No matter how bad your heart is broken. the world doesn't stop for your grief..


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