Friday, June 30, 2006

A Girl Who Has Everything

In a few days I will be celebrating my 24th birthday, while my dad will be celebrating his 54th (i think) some people have already approached me and asked what would I want for my special day...

So what do you give a girl who has everything?


You may wonder why I say that I have everything.. coz I do.

I have a wonderful family that loves me. My mum maybe a facist at times, but thats one of the best things that I got from her. My dad is my bestfriend, my confidant, my rock. My brothers.. well they're the same as the way brothers should really go.

I have lovely friends and an adorable bes.

I have a job that i 'relatively' like.


I have a beautiful relationship with God.

so what more should I ask for?

So there.



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