proud of who i am
up the ladder i have gone
why melancholic?
lips as soft as down
burn me o' consuming fire
lave me with your tongue
her brand is on you
your deep love, for her to keep
wishing i was her
i cannot have you
abhor the circumstances
not destined to be
too green with envy
devoting your time to her
she's not deserving
absolute hatred
a glutton for punishment
i'm such a loser
come Death, come to me
smite me with your scythe o Dark One
welcome you I do.
i am extremely frustrated right now. i just want to scream my lungs out. i want to keep on screaming until my throat hurts and my head throbs or till i cough an internal organ out.. whichever comes first.
i just need to get this off my chest... it really doesnt mean anything... its just the feeling that i have now... bato bato na lang po sa langit.
* dont you just hate it when you send a person an SMS and they do not answer? even if you know that they have load?
* why cant i shake this feeling off? i dont know if you're sincere. its actually driving me nuts. its so hard for me to figure you out.. there are days that you're like super nice... and there are days that you act as if i dont exist.
* i know that i have to change... but how come there are people that find it weird that i dont like being 'treated' to stuff. (pardon the inappropriate term, im kinda sleepy and my brain isn't functioning properly) i love doting on people, but i dont like being doted on. according to one friend that actually REPRIMANDED me.. he told me that he gets offended with what i do. he told me that friendship is a two-way street. and with the way things are going... im like making it one way. all from me and none from him. when i do things for people, i dont expect anything in return for it. so i feel awkward when they try to do something for me. i feel more comfortable with the "pay-back" if i ask for their help. (did that make sense?) *sigh*
* dont make me feel as if i owe you anything ok? coz i dont. i didnt want to be your friend in the first place. you didnt exist in my world... til you came up and introduced yourself..
Sunday, July 02, 2006
the seven deadly sins
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
8:44 PM
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