Monster's Game World: one of the coolest things I've seen over the internet. (--,) thats my avatar up there... i was so bored kasi so i decided to do something sa photoshop... nice naman ang kinalabasan... i also did a banner its at the end of this post... anyhoo...
yesterday was a really bad day. i had a really bad migraine. after the graduation, Jeni and the guys decided to go to Gerardo's, i didnt join them anymore coz i could sense that i was starting to have a migraine attack coz i was seeing light flash at the corners of my eyes and i was also feeling nauseous.
so i took a cab home... i couldnt walk in the infernal heat that we have in this country. even if it was just 10am, i couldnt stand the heat. i was a little panicked coz on the way home, traffic was a little heavy.. and my head was hurting so bad that i wanted to throw up. but i couldnt since i was still in the cab.. harhar..
once i got home, pagka open pa lang ng door, i just dropped my bags and went straight to the bathroom and upchucked. it kinda relieved my headache. sayang yung mcdo breakfast that i ate...(eeewww.. hahahahah, im gross noh?)
i got home at 11am got out of the bathroom around 1130(?) all i know is that i spent a LONG time in the bathroom upchucking.
so i drag myself to my bed and fell asleep. it was an effin miracle that i fell asleep coz my head felt like somebodywas hitting it with a sledgehammer or worse a jackhammer. this was worse than the hang over that i got doing the 21 shots thing at Bora.
so while the room was spinning around me, i tried to SMS some of my friends but.. hehe i fell asleep.
i woke up a few hours after and it was still there... ONLY WORSE! i started seeing stars.. they were spinning right before my eyes.. my head felt like it was being split open with a rusty cleaver... so i ran back to the bathroom and barfed my liver and parts of my esophagus out.
the stars disappeared after i barfed, but it came back... so after a few more rounds of barfing my internal organs out (i havent eaten anything since my mcdo breakfast.. so i couldnt upchuck anything anymore..) i started naming the stars that i saw... i was back up to Juniper when i decided that i need to get myself to a doctor.. so i called up Dr. Barbara Canonigo (our family physician) and told her that i needed to see her.
She was at UST so i literally drag myself up from the bathroom floor and take a shower and dizzily popped into a cab and went to UST. thank God for MGE.
Prognosis: my doctor siad that im too stressed out and this migraine is purely psychosomatic. She also said that i should rest for a week and get some sleep. I should unwind daw coz im like 5 steps away from a burnout our worse... a nervous breakdown. She also said that i should take it easy, and i do not need to save the world before bedtime... Hahahah.. hilarious.
so i went home (yep, still with my migraine) and fell asleep. i woke up a coupla times to barf though.
as im posting this.. i still have a headache... but compared to yesterday's knee-weakening-internal-organs-upchucking-hair-pulling-id-rather-have-my-tooth-pulled-out-without-novocaine pain... this is more manegeable.
i realized that i need a housemate. i felt so sad yesterday. i was sick and no one knew about it. i wanted to tell someone about it but he was too far away to do anything about it... (Robbie is still in Tarlac)... my family was in Dasma... all in all i didnt want to bother anybody... coz i knew i could get through it on my own.
actually i told one person about what was happening yesterday.. i told Dodie about it...
i hate being weak. i hate being cumbersome. i hate it.
im going to cook breakfast now.. saka lunch.. i have work tonight...
Friday, June 23, 2006
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
6:09 AM
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