Saturday, July 08, 2006

The Screaming Queen...

"The chances are that you have already have come to believe that happiness is unattainable. But men have attained it. And they have attained it by realizing that happiness does not spring from the procuring of physical or mental pleasure, but from the development of reason and the adjustment of conduct to principles."

- How To Live on 24 Hours a Day
by Arnold Bennett
No, no, the title doesn't indicate that I just dethroned Emily Rose. I'm just pretty frustrated. I truly hate people with malicious minds. i hate assuming bastards. this is one of the reasons why i live alone. this is one of the reasons why im pretty finicky when it comes to cultivating relationships/friendships with other people.
I'm actually in a relationship now that I'm not pretty exactly happy with. Its confusing me. Am really such a sucker for sob stories. He came into my life and he's like a bad habit that I can't seem to get rid of. He's not actually the reason why I'm frustrated... I'm frustrated at myself and I make myself miserable because I'm addicted to him.
I can't seem to get through a day without my "him"-fix.
I'm starting to hate those damn beautiful brown eyes.
Damn those eyes.
Shame on me.
possible script to deliver to him:
"hi sweetie. you know what? im getting to be a little tired of what we have. you never seem to remember me when you're not around. i never asked for anything from you. you came into my life like Hurricane Katrina. Everything is topsy turvy. Like a hurricane, you are beautiful, exciting, but extremely hazardous to the health.
Call me superficial, but aside from that beautiful mind, I'm really hooked on those goddamned beautiful brown eyes of yours, that mischievious sparkle that they have when you want to share a secret. I love that gorgeous parenthesis smile and that adorable little boy smile that you get when you're putting me on.
*deep sigh*
Would it be ok if i said goodbye? I dont know if you still need me. Its been 3(?)/4(?) months and I can safely say that you are now standing back on your own feet. You don't need me as a crutch anymore. So i guess its best if I ride off into the sunset.
Thanks Sweetie.."


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