this made my day. Garret thanks super much for recording the game and sending me a copy!
I am not joining the countless people that do the bashing thing when game time comes around.. but all i can say is: the game was SWEET. it was a nail-biting-teeth-gnashing-hair-pulling-cloth-rending show of superb athletecism.
Both teams did there best, but sadly, there can only be one winner.
Ateneo may have won battles but LaSalle won THE war.
to Tyrone... stand proud baby! GO #11!!!
Animo LaSalle...
Sunday, September 30, 2007
They WON the war...
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
8:12 PM
alis muna kami...
just killing time before the 2pm flight.
really really pissed off at this point.
pero friend ko sya eh... wala ako magawa.
office cam whoring once more...
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
3:54 AM
Saturday, September 29, 2007
the weekender
had a humongous fight with Jap last night. i told him that i really didnt want to go to Singapore. he said that he really wants me to accompany him.
putangina men... asar to the most fatal level.
so.. ill be in Sg this sunday/monday.
latest office cam-whoring... *lol*
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
5:00 AM
Friday, September 28, 2007
off to Sg this weekend
around 3am today, Japeth calls me up. he blabbers on something about Maia and Singapore and having booked a flight. i was having a bad day at work so what i did was i dropped the line. after five minutes he calls back. he was still talking in this fast, psychotic manner so i dropped the line again. he calls back immediately and asks what the hell my problem was. i told him that if he didnt slow down and breath THEN explain to me what was he talking about, id keep on dropping the line.
so the line was silent.
then he goes and says that Maia calls him up like 2 hours ago and according to him, he felt that she was giving a sign that she wanted to reconcile with Japeth. so he wanted to go there and confirm since according to him she was a little vague over the phone.
i told him that he doesnt need to go there. for one thing, she and Berks are the ones in a relationship now. and good God, have some dignity. she already dumped him. dont take her back.
he goes rambling on like an addict on a high... so i dropped the line again. i waited for him to call back. but after an hour or so... there still was no call. so i went back and focused on the training.
after shift, i saw that i had 3 messages. and these were all from Jap:
1st message:
SQ917 leaving MNL 14:20 (sunday)
SQ912 leaving SIN 13:25 (monday)
2nd message:
i booked for us both. were staying overnight at Chini's place. (Chini is his sister-in-law)
3rd message:
you cant say no. you OWE ME big time.
so i called him up and started to harangue him...
the conversation went nowhere... still trying to get myself out of the trip.
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
5:45 AM
Thursday, September 27, 2007
a sad birthday gift
today's game between ateneo and LaSalle is a reflection of the intense rivalry between the two schools.
LaSalle played a good game but in the end, bad defense and bad shots during the game's dying minutes played a big factor in their demise.
Today was my nephew's birthday (His mom, Alice is my cousin). Tyrone (#11) called me up earlier this morning to invite me and my mom to go to their place in Sta. Mesa for dinner. Sadly, i am wont be able to go since i have work this evening.
Anyway, the Green Archers lost the game today, but no worries, there is still a game this sunday.
Ang lungkot lang kasi birthday ni Tyrone tapos natalo sila...
well... mad props to my not-so-baby nephew for the good game. You kick ass. Im so proud of you!!
Animo LaSalle!!
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
1:58 PM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The Validity of the Law : a repost
How can anyone think of fully pardoning Joseph "Erap" Estrada after he was sentenced to a lifetime in prison? I know we all think that most of the people in the Philippine Government are corrupt, but by even considering pardoning him, they prove that there is no real justice left in the country. Might as well let all the crooks out of jail (the murderers, the child rapists, the rebels, and everyone else) because for me, Erap's crimes destroyed more than one or some lives. Pardoning him for a flimsy reason such as "national reconciliation" is a hazy lie that simply translates to me as "Get to the top and you are beyond the Law." Every educated person sees it as a hypocrisy of the people in government, the degradation of the rule of absolute law.
In the words written by George Orwell in Animal Farm "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."
Is this what it means to be a Filipino? That we forgive those that have destroyed the future potential of perhaps a whole generation of our countrymen? Pardoning him is inviting yet others to do even worse to us, our children, and our neighbors. perhaps they are already doing such things.
Destroy a generation is what Estrada has done; his actions as president have affected every single one of us; local or OFW. He's pillaged the Social Security System, damaged the reputation of our stock exchange, supported and strengthened the base of political corruption through gambling pay-offs. It only takes looking at our neighboring countries to see what our potential is and what we are considering forsaking again.
No actor in the Philippines is worth the Php 1 Billion that the country is thinking of handing back to him. There is no way that he can prove he is worth more than Php 1 Billion; much less all those billions that he's been already able to salt out of the Philippines.
Let's get real for a change. Write to your Congressmen and Senate representatives or just write a blog about it. If you can't be bothered, simply repost this blog! There has to be a point where all this bullshit chokes us, where we can't hold it in, and we vomit it out. I don't think that everyone in government is corrupt, but now is the time for everyone to speak out. If he is pardoned, that 1 billion returned to him will be paid off to the top crooks in government and another criminal is allowed to be kingpin again.
If we are real "Christians" and treat our neighbors like we would like to be treated ourselves, then surely you would forgive Erap as a man, but let him stay in prison for his crimes
as per request :bungi:
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
4:28 AM
A Place for my Head...
yesterday was a bad day. i had a fight with one of my friends.
i like helping people, but when it starts to become an obligation for me, its not fun anymore. yesterday, one of my friends called me up and asked if he could ask a favor from me. i told him that i was still waiting for certain things to happen before i could commit. then he plays the favoritism card. he says how come whenever he would be the one to ask a favor from me i would either give a definite maybe or a maybe maybe. i never commit. but when our other friends ask a favor from me, i acquiesce.
i told him that it doesnt happen that way. maybe it was just wrong timing. im all out of favors right now. i told him that in the past few months, a few friends came up to me and asked for help. ive tapped the cookie jar one too many times already. they havent returned the favor yet so i cant keep the circle going. Harvey still owes me a huuuge favor while Jam is still waiting for his to be given. then he drops the line.
it made me sad that he had the gall to get mad at me just because i wasnt able to help him out. but it made me mad because pucha naman i know kelangan mo ng tulong, pero wag mo akong i-pressure sa problema mo. i got a little incensed as well with the thought that most of my friends sometimes can be so insensitive too. Just because i acquiesce most of the time, doesnt mean that they can walk all over me.
be sensitive.
i rarely show people that i get mad because i know that more often than not relationships are destroyed by the careless, thoughtless torrent of words and emotions that pour out of you under extreme duress and once they are out in the open, you cant take them back anymore. so those who know me well, know that when im quiet, its either im drunk/tipsy or im angry.
so where am i going with this? i dont know either. i just need to vent.
i just need a place for my head.
these are the days that i question my faith in humanity...
*deep sigh*
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
4:03 AM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
wonderful world of Kaladkaran
Just got home!
As usual, had super fun with the people from PEx. The usual suspects were there, Juju, Mimi, Aileen, Frank, Jesse and Lang. We were able to meet up with two new PExers, Dale aka winterboy/autumnsweaters (the dude with the glasses) and Glen aka glenchuy (the dude beside Dale)
Around 4pm, i met up with Drew and had coffee with him at Starbucks araneta. We talked and caught up with what was happening in our respective lives. As usual, i had super duper fun with Drew. heeheehee... non linear conversations are the best. *snicker*
Around 6pm, Lang arrives at Starbucks. We stayed there till 7pm then headed off to Cafe Havana to have dinner. Sadly, Drew didnt join us because he wanted to go home early.
Dinner was sumptuous. ^_^ Dale was first to arrive then Glen then Aileen, Jesse and Frank.
Dale was a very interesting person to talk to. very knowledgeable about music... He was pretty nice too. Smart but not in a snotty sort of way.
Glen was pretty quiet though. I didnt get to talk to him that much coz i couldnt think of anything to say...
I was a lil sad though coz there were two people that we were expecting to come but due to unforseen circumstances, they werent able to join us. (yeah, sayang Marky... next time bro)
Dale had to leave a bit early because he was meeting some friends and go watch their other friend's gig in Off the Grill. Glen stayed on till around 10pm but had to go home since he has to go to work tomorrow early.
Anyway, Mimi and Juju were the last to arrive (ay humabol pala si Eliza) after another round of drinks, we paid for the bill and transferred over to Starbucks (again) coz Cafe Havana was already closing for the day.
The Kaladkarins talked some more. We started planning for Oktoberfest and the Holloween party and the Pagudpud trip next year... heeheehee...
11:59 hit and we all decided to go home... we didnt want to turn into vegetables for going past midnight. (juju will turn into a talong while we girls would turn into pechays... hahahahaha)
i really love my friends and i love sharing my life with them.
for that i feel blessed.
till next time Kaladkarins!
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
9:32 PM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
tired and achy.. amazingly long day
this week has been short but hectic. i really love my new job! i love the people that i get to hang out with. the workload aint that heavy but it is challenging.
early on this week, Stu, Lorrens and I wanted to hang out and chill before we headed home. we three agreed to "couples" or to expound on it, a couple of bottles of beer (maybe 2 or 3) sadly no one wanted to join us so what we did was we rescheduled it. we told the people that we would go couples this weekend. there were a few people that consented. so when saturday 6am hit, Nikki, Aris, Lorrens, Stu, Jesh and I were the only people
left that wanted to hang out and bond.
so we trooped over to Jesh's condo and had breakfast. Breakfast was instant pancit canton (chili), soft boiled eggs, ham, brownies, egg tarts, rice and icy cold bottles of red horse. (hahahaha)
we ended the session around 3 in the afternoon. after laughing, smoking and drinking to our hearts content. (albeit temporary contentment,,, hahahaha)
on my way home, i received an SMS message from Nikki. she says that Jersey wanted to have another bonding session this evening. so nikki sent an SMS message to everyone asking if they wanted a two-part special.
i think most of them complied, but me, i had to decline. so i told her that i need to catch some sleep and i had church tomorrow. i told them to have fun but be safe. ^_^
this was a good day and i had super fun.
looking forward to chilling out with the kiddos more.i got home around 4pm and immediately fell asleep. imagine i was up for more than 24 hours. i woke up this evening because i needed to go to the little girls wee wee room and my tummy was feeling predatory.
i rummaged around the fridge and found nothing worth eating so i just decided to post this blog and then continue with the business of me getting some much needed sleep.
tomorrow, the rRk kaladkarins and I will be chillaxing. so amma go grab more sleep now...
congruence is an issue with this post.. i KNOW. but i cant think of a better way to blog this... me thinks me killed one too many braincells today. *guffaw*
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
6:36 PM
Friday, September 21, 2007
when i woke up this afternoon, i didnt immmediately get out of bed, i lay there and kinda mucked about in my head.
while mulling things over i grabbed my baby asus and opened my media player and played my usual playlist. the shuffle on my playlist is ON and i closed my eyes again while listening to the music.
while i was thinking about him err.. someone... the song "It'll All Work Out" by Tom Petty starts playing. i had to laugh. continuing with that line of thought... the next song was "IO (this time around)" by Helen Stellar. i laughed again... still thinking along the same line of thought... the song "Where to Begin" by My Morning Jacket start to play. the hair on my head and arms started to rise. im like.. wtf?
bear in mind that the shuffle mode was turned on. i looked at my playlist and i see that there are other songs on the list... but the weird thing is that it played 3 songs in succession from the Elizabethtown soundtrack... how truly apt.
hahaha.. wishful thinking? i dont know... but i think someone up there is playing a trick on me... i dont know what He's trying to say.. but seriously... i hope He clears it up... hahahah.. its no fun being the butt of a cosmic joke.
i gotta go and prepare for work now...
*gets up from bed and sings...*
On and on and on I drive
when will I know I've finally arrived
So far I've gone, so far to go
It never ends
Always startin over but somehow I always know where to begin

Posted by
Kickass Goddess
1:52 PM
so retro night was a flop. *lol* only Lorrens, Jersey, Nathan, Grace and I complied. hahahah. (syempre praning ako... gusto ko active participation sa mga pakulo sa office) but i digress.
Anyway, the picture is kinda dark coz i used my cam phone to take a picture. yeah, thats me and Lorrens. o dba, he looks so hawt! hahaha... love the shades. funny thing is (hindi kasi kita sa pic) Lorrens has chest hair... around 12 of them. hahahahah. no i didnt try to count it, makasuhan pa ako ng sexual harassment. but i had super fun making fun of his threadbare carpet. ang cute ni Lorrens no.. heeheehee... i have this weird penchance for kalbo guys talaga.
its almost Sunday!!!! super looking forward to seeing the Kaladkarins again. *big grin* and some other people. hahahah.. the mini inuman session has now grown into a multiply and PEx EB. hahahaha... (balita ko cute daw si Dale... *wink*)
the new people that i'd be meeting would be... Mark (Huck's friend), trueasiatiktribe (Mark's friend), winterboy aka dale and some other people... *lol*
hay, antok na ako.
so gotta bust...
night y'all!
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
4:09 AM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Tonight is RETRO night!!
i love dress down days!!
Paul told me earlier that since it will be dress down day later tonight and tomorrow, the theme would be 60's - 80's retro!
now im wondering what should i wear. ugh. the problem here is that Simone and I plan to meet up early tonight and have coffee at Starbucks Araneta BUT we remembered that Fall Out Boy's concert will be tonight and tomorrow night as well... eek... so the coffee thing will be a definite maybe...
ill be posting pictures tomorrow morning when i get home :)
gonna catch some zzz's now...
oh yeah... am sooooo looking forward to this coming Sunday... weeeee!! gonna meet up with mah lovely friends and catch up over dinner and drinks!!! cant wait!!
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
4:07 AM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
somewhere in between
i dreamed of you...
... and it felt so right
wish you were here...
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
1:38 PM
rainy mornings = bed weather = sexy times
lol. makes you wanna...
anyway, had a great day at work as usual. then it started to effin rain. its a good thing that i brought Sofya coz i didnt have an umbrella. but i plan not to bring her to work anymore coz parking is HELL. i swear. the office parking lot can only accomodate 30 cars at most and there are what... 300 employees in the building and most of them have cars. i have to go to work at least 2 hrs early so that i can get a good parking spot. ack! no way. id rather take the LRT to work. much cheaper that way...
anyhoochie, am trooping off to lala land... catch some zzz's for later tonight its a critical work day at the office and i need to be on my toes...
called my bessy last night... missed him so much... he says he might join the drinking chuvaness on Sunday... weeeeeeeee! miss my bessy...
oo nga pala.. oist Huck... :p wala lang... amishu
nyt y'all
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
4:18 AM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
messiah complex
with fractured eyes
and shattered being
you come to me.
i am heartshorn.
the balm to my soul
the pieces of your fragmented self
lay scattered
like shells strewn on the shore
yet still
i am helpless...
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
3:59 AM
Monday, September 17, 2007
just got home
im head hurts and yeah i havent slept yet.
last night Japeth came over looking a little down in the mouth. i let him do whatever while i was studying. around 9pm he goes, i want to go drinking. i told him he could go downstairs and buy some beer at the store. He says he wanted ambience. (whatever! hahaha) so i asked him, where did he want to go. he didnt answer he just shoved me through my bedroom door and told me to get dressed.
around 930 we were cruising around the metro with Sofya (Jap was driving of course) i close my eyes and next thing i knew we were at 7-11 at the rotonda in TAGAYTAY! (ampf!) Jap was just about to exit the store carrying 2 plastic bags. when he got in the car i saw that one bag had a bottle of Absolut and the other bag was full of chips.
We ended up at this roadside tambayan. we shelled out 30 pesos for parking. there were cottages and tables but we chose to sit ontop of the car (buti na lang at hindi malambot ang hood ni baby) we raised the windshield wipers and parked ourselves on the hood and rested our backs on the windshield.
opened some chips and took turns swigging from the bottle. and talked about a lot of stuff. come midnight.. the rain fell hard... without warning. it didnt even drizzle... hahahahaha! it just fell from the sky like a bucket full of water that was upended on our heads. we were both tipsy and slow so we just bagged the chips and covered the drink. we basically sat there. getting rained on.
we started to get cold (duh.. hahahaha) so we went in the car and nagpababa ng amats. around 330 or so we headed back to Manila. We hung out at 6750 Starbs, grabbed coffee and kinda dripped all over their pristine floor... then chillaxed while smoking.
since Jap had to open his store and i had to catch some zzz's we both decided to call it a day.
so there...
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
4:27 AM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
withdrawal symptoms
like a phantom arm
i am bothered by your presence (or its lack thereof)
i feel a little incomplete
what im saying is...
i miss you
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
3:02 PM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
weekend blues
its been a hohum day... as usual my weekends are spent doing housechores and doing my zen stuff.
im not complaining though. i love my life. it has been wonderful even if it is messy at certain points in time (my fault... *snicker*)
anyway, i love my life. i wish more people loved theirs.. ^_^
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
4:41 PM
Friday, September 14, 2007
Its Stewie's Birthday!!
Today is Stewart's birthday... weeeeeeee! hahaha and he promised that he's going to bring papaitan for lunch... *yummy*
anyway, funny thing happens yesterday at the office, Lorrens, Stewart and I were bumming around (it was like 3 in the afternoon) and then Lorrens goes... "Jenn ang cute ng shoes mo" (Lorrens is the dude that has a goatee, Stewie doesnt)
Im like... "Pare, okay ka lang?" and then Lorrens says "Ano sinabi kong masama?" and I go... "Uhh.. wala naman dude. Kaso nakakagulat lang yung sinabi mo..." then I snicker.
Lorrens goes all confused. Stewart and I started laughing. Then Lorrens finally gets it. He says "HOY! hindi ako bakla no. I just noticed your shoes and thought it was cute because it was something my wife would say." Stewart and I looked at each other and started laughing anew. after laughing for a few minutes more I told Lorrens "I wasnt saying anything. Nakakagulat lang sa lalaki pag nagsasabi sila ng ganun out of the blue."
Call me mababaw, but I found the situation really funny. Guess I feel comfortable with my new colleagues already.
I love my new job because the people there are absolutely nice, we basically laugh most of the time and you really feel that they care about you.
its another cloudy day.. but i dont care!! its B-E-A-UTIFUL!!!
*sings* the sun is up... ive got so many things to do, but its alright, today is going to be a good day!
i hope you all have a wonderful day.
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
3:16 AM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
joke! joke! joke!
uuuyyyy... me tanong ako!!
ano ang tawag sa tae na hindi nakikita?
post your answers.. then ill answer you guys later.... heeheehee....
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
1:51 AM
Monday, September 10, 2007
Splendid Life
Its another beautiful day... a new work week.
I lead a splendid life :lovesigh:
im so happy im emitting love bubbles... hahahaha... im just rambling.
gotta prepare for work now...
Y'all have a lovely day. *okay*
xoxo! *smoochies*
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
2:10 AM
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Alone again, Naturally...
*deep sigh*
Last night, while i was studying, Jap comes up to me and says that he feels he is okay enough to go back to his apartment and LIVE.
so... this morning at four he leaves...
here i am once more enjoying my solitude. i can now go back to sleep in peace and silence (no more snores). i can zen out. i don't need to think that i need to entertain anyone anymore. don't get me wrong, i like having Jap here, but i love being alone more. being surrounded by people day in and day out is exhausting and the sanctuary that my flat offers is like an oasis in the desert.
alone again. naturally...
a couple of people (the other trainers, wave 1 peeps, khordelle..heehehe) have been asking me why i chose to work in APAC instead of taking the high paying job that SGV had to offer. i mean, the salary that APAC offered IS high but for SGV, it was a ballpark figure (think 6 digits) *lol*
so why did i?
- i stand by the fact that money (or the money that you earn) should not be a gauge of what you have achieved. (posted this at Marky's blog)
- i choose peace of mind, less stress, self fulfillment and a good working environment over the toxicity of research and working with non contemporaries and yes i have learned this the hard way... and no amount of money can compensate for the loss of peace of mind.
- i love being with people. i love to teach. so id rather teach than be stuck doing research.
- all things being equal yada yada yada and looking at it from the long haul... i don't need that much money anyway. i have my savings (whose interest i can live off on) and i believe that my family is considerably well off...
- if i have a family of my own... well it would be obvious that the man that i might marry should be as financially stable as i am...
so there...

Posted by
Kickass Goddess
2:54 AM
Friday, September 07, 2007
too much
wow... i just got home from the office. imagine... 17 freakin hours in the office. panalo!! im so tired, im cross eyed. my head hurts from information overload. to top things off... some stupid person might have sat down on my baby's left front fender, there is this LOOOOOONNNGGG thin gash on it... nyaaarrgghhh!!! remind me not to park near the building entrance but not too far off either... my mum is going to kill me if she sees this.
to no one in particular:
i miss you... i miss talking to you. hope to catch you online soon.
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
10:35 PM
anyway, just want to share something to make your day lovely as well.. :)
y'all have a wonderful one!

Posted by
Kickass Goddess
4:08 AM
Thursday, September 06, 2007
pitching excrement to the ventilation
sorry... just want to rant before i head off to bed... long day at the office (again)
i realized that i have "friends" that if they dont need me OR if they got what they need from me... they forget all sense of courtesy... duh... im still here. why do i even call you my friends? oh yeah... coz im gullible and dumb. *start sarcasm here* LUCKY YOU *end sarcasm here*
sa weekend na lang ako mag post ng blog na mahaba... just too tired to think.
i miss blogging.
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
5:13 PM
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
i should be driving to the office already, but am still here posting in my blog. work is still boring. but hopefully after next week things will pick up. for the meantime, am gonna go and make kalkal the S-drive in the office and brood to Ennio Morricone...
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
4:19 AM