hahahaha.. kidding really... just needed something to catch your attention.
This work week pretty much can be summarized in one word: HELL-ish.
My bosses have been riding me pretty hard coz my tenure is coming to an end pretty soon (ETA: June 18, 2007) and they have been piling up my in-tray with much admin stuff and any what not they can think of. I don't know if this backlog was caused by my 5 day hiatus or if they are just "punishing" me. Anyway, even though my in-tray content is a mile-high am really not THAT concerned because i know that i CAN and WILL finish all of it today because.. really... I want to spend the next two days (my rest days) vegging-out (you know... lay like broccoli in front of the idiot box and drown myself in Gregory House's blue blue eyes and endearingly astringent bedside manner); hanging out with my friends (Iain is in town and we need to catch up a bit more...); be domesticated (laundry, ironing, vacuuming, etc); or just lay in bed and savor the peace, quiet and privacy of being the sole entity at my domicile.
Being sleep deprived for this whole work week also added more stress to my being. Friday: (Saturday early morning actually) i was out with my friend Iain.. so i basically got 1 1/2 hours worth of sleep before i clocked in.
Saturday: had a total of 3 hours of sleep because i tried to make a dent to the contents of my inbox (600 emails and counting, yes OT.Y sya) then watched Pirates of the Carribean with officemates, had dinner with Diamael and then went home late in the evening.
Sunday: when i got home from work, had to process another request from my Father. i had to create some search warrants for him (he's an investigator/representative of the Intellectual Property Rights Board.. or something like that) Had to make like 37 sets of S.W's, triple check each one to see if the proper names and dates were posted, et al. this kept me up till the wee hours of the morning...
Monday: had like 2 or 3 hours of sleep once more because i had a fight with my mum (more about that later) and after that blow out, no matter how i tried to catch the Sandman's attention, he just didn't want to come. Its a good thing that its my rest day later. So i can stay as late as i want in the office (to finish whatever) without being stressed that i need to catch some sleep before another workday commences.
Talking about the fight with my mum... I do understand that she is worried about my career path and safety and everything, but just like i told her, the reason why i am leaving the company that i am currently employed in is because I believe that I'm at the point of being burnt out (another factor that i didn't tell her was that i had an epiphany -which was of course facilitated by my friend.. tae mo Jay... hahaha...kidding! and i kinda noticed that i WAS already stuck in a rut). I never thought that working for a contact center would be this stressful. I mean, when i did PR for Maceda and De Venecia, it was also stressful (i received death threats) but i got to go places. During my stint as a PR staff for both politicians, i got to roam around the Philippines... the only reason why i had to quit is because i couldn't handle all the out of town trips and law school at the same time. As stated on the non-completion clause in my contract i cant work in the same industry for a year since i was privy to a lot of confidential information during the campaign period. thus i ended up in the contact center industry...
The year is now up and i'm ready to go back to the world of Politics. I love the wheeling and dealing that happens behind the scenes. The information that i hold. The trips. The parties. The connections that i make. The people that i meet. but most of all, i love the high that i get when you successfully lobby a project.
About the fight... the reason why it started was because my travel agent called our Wack-Wack home phone instead of my mobile number or my apartment's landline. He told my mum that there were a lot of openings in the airlines for me to be able to book a flight sometime this October and that he is trying to find a good deal for my July trip to Singapore (and possible side trip to Malaysia). I distinctly remember that i told my mum that i planned to celebrate my 25th birthday in style... i mean July 07, 2007 or 07.07.07 seems to be a pretty auspicious date for me to be able to try something new (not to mention the fact that it is MY BIRTHDAY on that day) Mum harangued about me quitting my job and not plan to work anytime soon. I told her, i just need to take a breather coz i HAVE been working and studying for the past 7 years and i believe it was high time that i had time for myself. She was pretty ticked off as well about me inquiring about flights to California... *sigh* She called me selfish and unthinking... (i mean.. is it really THAT bad of me to ask sometime for myself?) *sigh* anyway, on to happier thoughts... i just needed to get that out of my system.
I am soooooo looking forward to my post summer shindig with friends on June 16/17, my last day at work on June 18 and June 30 because its a day before July 1. *teehee*
so there...
Monday, May 28, 2007
Green Tea makes me constipated
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
11:34 AM
Friday, May 25, 2007
Martinis at Mandarin Oriental (A Shameless Plug)
whoa nelly... its getting to be expensive being me. heeheehee...
A good friend of mine flew in from London yesterday and he is currently billeted at Mandarin Oriental (wahahahahaha.. of all places... memories.. ahahahahaha)
anyway... i digress... so yesterday, since it was my rest day i was being utterly domesticated. After doing my housechores (laundry, ironing, vacuuming) i processed a request that my father posed to me. I was currently processing the search warrants that he needed when my mobile phone beeped like an excited chipmunk. i got an SMS message from an unlisted number. while i was reading the message, i was grinning like a naked bandit swimming in gold coins! My friend was back in the P.I... and he was asking if we could hang out.
It was his first night back and i gave in to his request (even if i had work at 2am the next day... i didnt care.. all for the sake of friendship... coz i believe that one must never be too busy for friends...) Around 9pm he picked me up from my apartment and we headed off to the newly opened bar at Mandarin Oriental named "Martini" (or something like that)
The bar was utterly charming ang absolutely cozy. Their speciality is.. of course... MARTINIs. Iain (pronounced as Eyhn) grabbed two chilichoco (or was it chocochili) martinis and two wasabe martinis. we both had one of each... SALUT... it was delish! utterly fabulous!! He also ordered a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc (white wine from Australia.. i googled the spelling so i can get it correctly.. *snicker* i forgot the year though...) it was also absolutely delicious... it had an after taste like berries.. or a tangy fruity taste... lovely lovely really...
We were having a great time, sadly i had to end the evening because i had to get a couple hours of sleep before heading off to work.. so i got home around 1am and headed off to bed slightly tipsy.
I have suddenly acquired a taste for white wine (am a red fan myself) and i loved the martinis that i had!! (i wonder if Giliggans serve martinis as good as what i had...) anyhoo... hahahaha.. its starting to become expensive being me... *snicker*
oh well.. so im here in the office right now... very VERY sleepy (thank God martinis dont cause hang overs) and all i basically want to do now is crawl under my desk and sleep... *big yawn*
so there...
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
3:15 AM
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Recent Powerlines
happiness is a state of mind. i know we're really not meant to be together... but I'm happy with what i have now. i guess thats enough. it may just be an alcohol induced illusion... but people don't remember what you do for them.. what they remember is how happy you made them. i know its one sided.. but hey... am happy. all i care for is the here and now...
as said by Paulo Coelho in one of his books... everyone has a little insanity in them...
the only reason why this insanity is kept in check is because society has a set standard that people comply to.. thus marking them as sane...
what i am doing for you is not of the norm, thus its an 'insane' thing to do...
but I'm happy with my bouts with lapses from sanity... and this makes me see how dull my life is without you making me 'loopy'
so what am i getting at here?
bottom-line is, you're something that makes me crazy and in turn it makes me realize that being sane is overrated...
hahahaha kidding...
seriously... i love my lapses from sanity because of you... it makes me see the world in a new light.
i know I'm stranded again... but ill just ride the waves to get back to the shore... it takes longer but I'm happy... stupid... but happy...
you to me...
like a child's first with a Rubik's cube. every turn challenging. every turn fascinating...
you charm, attract, enthrall, mesmerize, captivate, intrigue me...
i pray that i don't solve the puzzle soon...
what actually drives me nuts is that... you don't even know. Not an IOTA, maybe you do, coz i told you, but it was as if it was nothing. maybe you're scared. maybe its really nothing. maybe I'm making a big deal out of it. maybe you're still hung up on her. maybe.. maybe.. maybe... a lot of maybes baby, I'm telling you... I'm willing to wait, just let me know where i stand.
you fascinate me. really. i sure hope its not just because you seem mysterious...
i want to say THANK YOU... for making me happy even if you don't know it.
THANK YOU for making me see the world in a different light.
THANK YOU for making me see that i am stuck in a rut.
THANK YOU for the music.
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
5:07 PM
My New Look
I'm feeling patriotic... *snigger*
i love my page's new look... don't you?
I was browsing around and i stumbled upon one of the oldest poems that i have been in love with for a long time. its "You, Darkness" by Rainer Maria Rilke...
You, darkness, that I come from
I love you more than all the fires
that fence in the world,
for the fire makes a circle of light for everyone
and then no one outside learns of you.
But the darkness pulls in everything-
shapes and fires, animals and myself,
how easily it gathers them! -
powers and people-
and it is possible a great presence is moving near me.
I have faith in nights.
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
7:02 AM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Cant Hardly Wait!!!!
“Halo 3” to Make Entertainment History on Sept. 25
Countdown begins for what promises to be bigger than any movie launch in history; beta preview and collectible Zune-Halo 3 edition digital media player add to early excitement.
In a year when
“‘Halo 3’ is much more than a video game release; it’s the biggest entertainment event of the year,” said Peter Moore, corporate vice president of Microsoft’s Interactive Entertainment Business. “On Sept. 25, we intend to deliver a finale that will go down in entertainment history and leave people around the world with an experience that will be shared and enjoyed for years to come.”
Fueling the early buzz around “Halo 3”, Microsoft unveiled the multiplayer beta on the eve of its release at a star-studded event in
In November 2004, the world’s view of video games changed forever with the release of “Halo 2,” which generated a record-setting $125 million in sales within the first 24 hours and changed the way people think about interactive entertainment. Three years later, it remains the most-played game on Microsoft’s Xbox LIVE online gaming and entertainment network, with nearly 1 billion hours of online gaming logged to date.
The unveiling of the “Halo 3” launch date comes on the eve of the release of the “Halo 3” multiplayer beta, which will debut to audiences worldwide via Xbox LIVE on May 16 at 5 a.m. PDT and run through June 6 at 11:59 p.m. PDT.* The “Halo 3” multiplayer beta will provide audiences worldwide with an exclusive early look at some of the multiplayer elements of “Halo 3” on Xbox LIVE. Gamers who are interested in experiencing the multiplayer beta of “Halo 3” can still participate through the purchase of the critically acclaimed, Xbox 360-exclusive title “Crackdown™,” which was launched in February. Starting May 16, the specially marked copies of “Crackdown” will act as a key for gamers to participate in the “Halo 3” multiplayer beta. In addition to giving gamers their first opportunity to get their hands on the new levels, weapons, vehicles and game types, the multiplayer beta will also provide valuable data that Bungie will use in continued development.
The “Halo” franchise has expanded beyond video games into The New York Times’ best-selling books, graphic novels, collectible merchandise and now a new, special edition Zune digital media player. Encased in collectible packaging, the Zune-Halo 3 edition digital media player comes pre-loaded with artwork, trailers and music from all three “Halo” games, as well as an exclusive new episode of “Red vs. Blue” from the fan-adored machinima creator Rooster Teeth Productions LLC. The Zune-Halo 3 edition (estimated retail price $249) will be available exclusively at GameStop starting June 15.
About Bungie Studios
Bungie Studios was founded in 1991 with two goals: to develop games that combine brilliant technology, beautiful art, intelligent stories and deep gameplay, and then sell enough of those games to achieve its real goal of total world domination. Over the past 10 years it has produced games such as the “Marathon Trilogy” and the first two “Myth” games, hailed as classics by critics and gamers around the world. Bungie’s “Halo” franchise is an international award-winning action title that has grown into a global entertainment phenomenon, selling more than 14.7 million units worldwide, logging nearly 1 billion hours of multiplayer action on Xbox LIVE, and spawning action figures, books, a graphic novel, apparel and more. Bungie is currently at work on “Halo 3,” which represents the third chapter in this “Halo” trilogy and is slated for release in 2007. More information on Bungie can be found at http://www.bungie.net.
About Microsoft Game Studios
Microsoft Game Studios is a leading worldwide publisher and developer of games for the Xbox® and Xbox 360 video game systems, the Windows® operating system and online platforms. Comprising a network of top developers, Microsoft Game Studios is committed to creating innovative and diverse games for Windows (http://www.microsoft.com/games), including such franchises as “Age of Empires®,” “Flight Simulator” and “Zoo Tycoon®”; Xbox and Xbox 360 (http://www.xbox.com), including such games as “Gears of War” and franchises such as “Halo,” “Fable®,” “Project Gotham Racing®” and “Forza Motorsport®”; and MSN®
Games (http://www.games.msn.com), the official games channel for the MSN network and home to such hits as “Bejeweled” and “Hexic®.”
About Microsoft
Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.
posted May 17 on my multiply blog
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
5:25 PM
In memoriam
Yesterday, I ran errands for my mum, after that I picked her up from her house and we went to Manila Doctors Hospital to have her follow up with Dr. Bautista (her orthopedic diagnostician). while I was waiting for her in the hall (listening to Sarah McLachlan) I sent an SMS to a friend. Telling him to take care of himself. A minute or so later, i got a message from another friend s short yet devastating message... "Jaja's dead"
When i read the message, I didnt believe it, coz last April Fools, Jaja used Tita Becky's (his mom) phone to text us saying: "Please pray for my son, he is in the hospital right now, he was hit by a car..... (scroll down... scroll down) Happy April fools!"
So i called Jaja's mobile number and got the "the number you have dialed is out of coverage area" I called Coleen's number and got the same message. Not taking it seriously, i called Jaja's apartment and somebody answered. It was Tito Roman (his dad).
Being an oblivious twit, I asked to speak with Jaja or Coleen. Tito just said: "anak, Jasper and Coleen are gone. Naaksindente sila. A drunk driver hit them." As soon as the words sunk in, i felt like somebody punched me in the solar plexus. I literally gasped for air... the person sitting beside me in the hall even asked if there was something wrong. I went to the women's washroom and locked myself in a cubicle and continued gasping for air. After 5 minutes or so, i got out and went to the sink. I splashed some water on my face and tried to look normal.
I returned to the hall and continued waiting for my mom. I really couldn't believe that Jaja and Coleen were gone. Not two weeks have gone by since i talked to Jaja about my problem and here he was... off to a new chapter in the cycle of life.
I have been up since 5am yesterday... haven't slept yet. I tried to but I couldn't. I wanted to go to Jaja's apartment, but I think his family needed time to privately grieve before the horde of friends rained upon them. I didnt want to impose my being on their already burdened entities. So I stayed home.
The sandman didnt come to visit me last night so i finally gave up at 1am and turned my laptop on. Several friends were online and sadness engulfed me. I couldn't help myself, so i spoke with two of them. Juriele and Jay. I wasn't really seeking comfort, but there was this need in me to contact another live human being and talk.
I appreciated what my friend said to me. According to him, " its a matter of game... like you did at your war games, nobody knows our times.. when it comes, it comes... the trouble is the pain to those who were left. the thing is.. the pain isn't actually there, it's in the denial that someone had left and is focused on the way it happened... it ain't easy but it works that way..."
My eyes are burning due to unshed tears. I do not feel like crying but there is this terrible sadness in me. I loved Jaja and Coleen. They were my classmates during my JD years. They were my studymates, my Support group, my friends, my family...
they will be missed. :'(
Jaja and Coleen... see you on the flipside...
"Do not stand at my grave and weep...
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow,
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awake in the mornings hush,
I am the swift upflinging rush...
of quiet birds in circling flight,
I am the soft star-shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry...
I am not there... I did not die..."
Coleen Sycip
January 1, 1980 - May 9, 2007
beautiful mind, beautiful heart,
daughter, sister, friend
forever loved
Jasper Torres
September 16, 1980 - May 9, 2007
practical joker
big brother, good son
My Towerblock
posted May 9 on my Multiply blog. re-posting it here to keep this site updated as well... *sigh*
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
5:22 PM
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
this is B.S
ok. i admit it... am a Sudoko addict. there!
bad day ahead. just received a message from my mum that she lost my passport. now i have to search every nook and cranny of my apartment and my room in wack wack to see if she didn't lose it there.
amma do that right after i get home from marikina later. the AGLSS Crew invited me to play in their wargames. gonna meet up with my bestfriend Howie later. kick their butts... gonna bring my trusty M4, my face mask and lace up mah combat boots.. and im soooooo ready to get rid of the stress that i have kept inside.
anyway, gotta go prepare for the games!
Kickass Goddess ready to Kick Ass!!
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
4:04 AM