it was 2am and she was on her way to the far away city of ParaƱaque to visit one of her favorite people. upon reaching the subdivision's imposing gates, she saw his car parked by the guard house. the night watchman recognized her face as she was a semi-permanent resident in this subdivision.
she coasted her car alongside his and asked him what he was doing there. he said that he was waiting for her to arrive. she told him that he need not have dont that since she has been coming and going to this location for more than a decade. he smiled at her and said that he just wanted to be there.
they both drove over to Jericho street. Their wall was on a vacant lot on that street. after parking their respective vehicles, they headed off to their spot. she got there first, since he was lugging a smallish coleman ice chest. when he reached the top of the wall, she was already lighting up a cigarette.
she took a deep drag from the cigarette and inhaled deeply. the nicotine rushing through her veins gave a combination of a hyped up lassitude. they sat there in silence for a couple of minutes. she, waiting for him to tell her what was on his mind and he, waiting for her to ask.
she took a last drag on the cigarette and flicked the butt to the ground and started to paw through the coleman. she found sandwiches, 3 bags of chips, a couple of cans of beer and a half full bottle of vodka. she took out a can of beer and a bag of chips. after taking a swig from the beer can, they both spoke up.
"so whats up?"
they laughed.
she gestured to him so that he could go first. he looked up to the sky and started to tell her that he was feeling blue lately. feeling old. feeling unwanted. feeling lonely. feeling unloved.
she sighed and then laughed. she told him that all human beings would feel that way at least at one point in their lives. she told him that he was just feeling that way because he hasnt gotten over the whole maia issue. they dissected a lot more other things that have happened in their lives and the discussion went on and on and on... as they way it usually was when they were together.
at one point they were laughing so hard because they were reminiscing about their junior-senior prom. while laughing, out of the blue, he goes and asks her... "why dont you want me as your boyfriend? i know that we do have good chemistry."
she felt her face heat up with a blush as she remembers the kiss that they shared before. her face sobers up. she went quiet for awhile and then answered.
"well... i know that we do have good chemistry. i also feel that if we do have sex, it will be so good that after we do it, people within a 15 mile radius would need a cigarette. however, its not a wise thing to do. we have been friends since we were kids and i love being around you. i love having you as a friend. the little idiosyncracies that you find endearing, would piss you off if we become a couple. i know its not for me to decide but i know deep down its the same thing that you'd day. youre just in a funk right now. you feel lonely. i do too. its just that this is something that we should not touch, taste or even think about. its a little inscestuous..." she was giggling when she said the last sentence.
he pondered for awhile about what she said and decided yes. she maybe right about this. so he reached out and took her left hand in his right, smiled at her and said, "you always make me feel that everything is alright with the world. everything seems easier when youre around."
"one is always glad to be of service." she says, while tightening her fingers around his.
together they sat there. their fingers meshed. happily watching the sun interrupt the moon.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
the perfect fit
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
9:53 PM
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