it was 2am and she was on her way to the far away city of ParaƱaque to visit one of her favorite people. upon reaching the subdivision's imposing gates, she saw his car parked by the guard house. the night watchman recognized her face as she was a semi-permanent resident in this subdivision.
she coasted her car alongside his and asked him what he was doing there. he said that he was waiting for her to arrive. she told him that he need not have dont that since she has been coming and going to this location for more than a decade. he smiled at her and said that he just wanted to be there.
they both drove over to Jericho street. Their wall was on a vacant lot on that street. after parking their respective vehicles, they headed off to their spot. she got there first, since he was lugging a smallish coleman ice chest. when he reached the top of the wall, she was already lighting up a cigarette.
she took a deep drag from the cigarette and inhaled deeply. the nicotine rushing through her veins gave a combination of a hyped up lassitude. they sat there in silence for a couple of minutes. she, waiting for him to tell her what was on his mind and he, waiting for her to ask.
she took a last drag on the cigarette and flicked the butt to the ground and started to paw through the coleman. she found sandwiches, 3 bags of chips, a couple of cans of beer and a half full bottle of vodka. she took out a can of beer and a bag of chips. after taking a swig from the beer can, they both spoke up.
"so whats up?"
they laughed.
she gestured to him so that he could go first. he looked up to the sky and started to tell her that he was feeling blue lately. feeling old. feeling unwanted. feeling lonely. feeling unloved.
she sighed and then laughed. she told him that all human beings would feel that way at least at one point in their lives. she told him that he was just feeling that way because he hasnt gotten over the whole maia issue. they dissected a lot more other things that have happened in their lives and the discussion went on and on and on... as they way it usually was when they were together.
at one point they were laughing so hard because they were reminiscing about their junior-senior prom. while laughing, out of the blue, he goes and asks her... "why dont you want me as your boyfriend? i know that we do have good chemistry."
she felt her face heat up with a blush as she remembers the kiss that they shared before. her face sobers up. she went quiet for awhile and then answered.
"well... i know that we do have good chemistry. i also feel that if we do have sex, it will be so good that after we do it, people within a 15 mile radius would need a cigarette. however, its not a wise thing to do. we have been friends since we were kids and i love being around you. i love having you as a friend. the little idiosyncracies that you find endearing, would piss you off if we become a couple. i know its not for me to decide but i know deep down its the same thing that you'd day. youre just in a funk right now. you feel lonely. i do too. its just that this is something that we should not touch, taste or even think about. its a little inscestuous..." she was giggling when she said the last sentence.
he pondered for awhile about what she said and decided yes. she maybe right about this. so he reached out and took her left hand in his right, smiled at her and said, "you always make me feel that everything is alright with the world. everything seems easier when youre around."
"one is always glad to be of service." she says, while tightening her fingers around his.
together they sat there. their fingers meshed. happily watching the sun interrupt the moon.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
the perfect fit
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
9:53 PM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Sunrise @ Shaw
Life has been extraordinarily beautiful for me. I have wonderful friends, a loving family and a fantastic career. I couldnt ask for more.
Im a perennially happy person... Being happy is something that im good at. I guess its because im pretty blessed.
The past few weeks have been absolutely fun. Every time i drive home i get to see the sun rise and it fills me with peace, knowing that i get to live another day. A day filled with laughter and love.
As i drove home today, i really couldnt help myself i stopped the car at the top of the nagtahan bridge, turned on the hazard lights and just waited for the sky to lighten. i gazed up in wonder as the velvet sky got painted in shades of magenta, vivid orange, then gold. When the sky turned a crystal clear blue, i continued my drive home.
i actually caused a minor traffic jam.. but hey.. walang basagan ng trip. hahahaah!
i love MY life...
i am glad to get to live a day more...
good morning sa lahat~
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
2:18 AM
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
The Pianist
strains of "gone" by jim chappel were wafting through the house. after plunking down the last few notes of the song, her small yet graceful fingers stopped moving on the ivory keys. just as she was starting to play the song "rendezvous" by jim brickman, her father walks into the room.
he sits beside her and puts his arms around her shoulders.
"bad day at the office anak?"
she shakes her head.
"so whats wrong? it must have been a really bad day because you usually go to the firing range with Howie when you feel ticked off."
"nothing dad. i just felt like playing. it has been awhile since i tickled keys and when i got here earlier, you weren't here. so i just went straight to the music room."
her father kisses her on the cheek and then takes her hand.
"anak, did you ever notice that we have the same hands?" her father says while holding her hands in his.
she looks down and nods. "yeah, ive been telling you that before. i also have your eyes and your stubborn streak and the talent to drink lots and lots of alcohol without getting drunk and mumphon..." the last few words came out muffled because her father had placed his hand on her mouth and when her father lifted his hand from her mouth they both started laughing.
that was one thing that she loved the most about her father. they were the best of friends. she looked at their hands once more.
"Dad, you think im ever going to be good enough for someone?"
she heard her father sigh and then say... "Anak, you're good enough for 90% of the people in this country. Pero the catch there is, are you the RIGHT one for them. O sya, i got to go and have the car fixed, want to join me?"
she shakes her head, "thanks dad. i'll be leaving na din naman i just want to finish something."
as her father leaves the room, she turns back to the keys. she slowly places her hands back on them and once more takes a look at her hands. she smiles. no one in her circle of friends knew that she played the piano. while she played "crossroads" by jim brickman, she pondered about what her father had told her.
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
11:30 PM
Thursday, January 03, 2008
anger management
last night was my first day at the new job. so far so good. people there seemed decent enough. however, one simple thing kinda ruined my night though, people who dont mind their own beeswax. so after work, i went home and called one of my best friends (Howie) and asked him if we could head off to PB Dionisio's and get off a few rounds. he goes and
picks me up and we headed off to P.B's. pictures posted were taken at home after de-stressing. hahahaha... OA naman ako sa pa-cute i know. wala lang, just got pretty happy that i got time to spend time with a good good friend and got to get rid of some anger and stress too by using a gun. extermination with extreme prejudice. hahahaha!!
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
12:59 PM
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
2007 was a BLAST!!!
is it so small a thing
to have enjoy'd the sun,
to have lived light in the spring,
to have loved, to have thought, to have done;
to have advanced true friends, and beat
down baffling foes....?
-Matthew Arnold-
i lead a wonderfully beautiful and blessed life and for 2007 it was no different. here's a recap:
February : not much happened on this month. except that Drey (darnstuff, a co-PExer) kept making kulit that we should meet up since it had been ages since we last saw each other. at the end of the month i finally relented and met up with them on the first day of March.

May: moseys along with me obsessing. hahahaha! at this point my sweetie John kinda got eaten alive by work so we werent talking much.rediscovered a few things.. like my love for rilke...
You, darkness, that I come from
I love you more than all the fires
that fence in the world,
for the fire makes a circle of light for everyone
and then no one outside learns of you.
But the darkness pulls in everything-
shapes and fires, animals and myself,
how easily it gathers them! -
powers and people-
and it is possible a great presence is moving near me.
I have faith in nights.
this month also came in with bad tidings. two of my dearest, most loved friends passed away in a vehicular accident.
our beloved friend from the U.S came back home for his school vacation. Tsak! uber Tsak! we spent the evenings at Starbucks People Support. waiting for aileen and andy to come out and play. had tons of fun drinking and singing too!!
June: Time does fly when you're having too much fun. after spending most of May either drunk or hyped up with caffeine here at the Metro, we the kaladkarins decided to take it out of

spent my 25th birthday with the beautiful people. we went to antipolo and sung, drank and swum to our hearts content.
as an added treat, i vacationed in singapore

i felt very loved by friends because even if i was in another country we never failed to "meet up" from 10am - 1pm. we had our daily video conference... or vonfe.

Japeth pops back up in my life... since there was a disturbance in the force. we kinda mucked about with friendship and the thin grey lines that surround it.

this month held two of my saddest goodbyes. the first one was to the Harry Potter series. i finished reading the last book in the 7 part series. the second saddest goodbye was to a friend. he never saw me as one. so it was sad for me since... well... since. hahahaha.. hanggang dun na lang.
wonders of all wonders. when a door closes, a window opens. when i said goodbye to a friend, i said hello to a familiar face. John resurfaced from the muck that he calls his life (workaholic animal this John...hahahaha) so we just picked up where we left off.
September: this was one of the weirdest months in my year. flew to Sg to do nothing. had a fight with japeth. saw the Green Archers take the 2007 Men's Basketball Championship away from the then undefeated UE Warriors. met up with PExers. met Dale and Glen. spent my days with japeth. spin. rinse. repeat.

October/November: spent half of it locked up in my tower. was really really pissed off at humanity in general and friends to be specific. got into a vehicular accident too. cracked a couple of ribs. went out with my prettyful friends. and generally was focused on my work.
December: my second favorite time of the year! i love the Holidays. spent more time with my friends (yihee~ alabyu

wow... pretty busy year for me... later on tonight its going to be my first day at my new office. New Job. New Year. New blessings.
like i said. i am living a beautiful and blessed life. for that i am thankful. praying that 2008 will be the same or much more beautiful than the last year. thank you friends and family for being a wonderful and important part of my life for 2007. looking forward to sharing more and more memories with y'all.
Happy 2008 to all of us.
much love,
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
8:48 AM