Friday, November 23, 2007

Thank God for Thanksgiving Day ^_^

i love not having to go to work in the middle of the work week. today North Americans are celebrating Thanksgiving Day, so i will be posting some thanksgiving shoutouts of my own.

  • PExers: i am happy that we have taken our online relationships to the next step. I love sharing my life with you... hope we stay friends till we're all old and decrepit.
  • Mappet, Harvey, Japeth, Pot-Pot and Jerky: you guys picked me up when i was in the doldrums. Everytime i think about the first time we climbed that damned "firewall" and the booboo last saturday when Mappet kicked the ladder so we couldnt get down from that damned wall.. i wouldnt have minded staying on top of that wall forever and get UTI, as long as i could watch the sun rise with you guys...
  • Mayo: dude, pare, chong... thank you for being the crazy fool that you are. for tolerating a loopy lady like me. i love our morning coffee bonding moments. sawa na satin ang Starbucks... hahaha..
  • You: for inspiring me. Seeing you makes everything feel better. I thought I lost you there awhile back, but im happy that you're back... seriously... i am happy. just the thought of you being around comforts me.
o sya tama na yang drama ko.. inaantok na ako.


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