1. What bill do you hate paying the most?
** credit card... but i rarely use them and when i do... i zero them out as soon as i can
2. What do you think of Inland Empire?
** i found it weird when Nikki started to become Sue... creepy really.. are you supposed to understand the disjointed sequences? i got lost in that poland/cali thing too...
3. Do you regret losing your virginity to who you lost it to?
** not really..
4. If you could go back and change one thing, what would it be?
** i think it would be to not be his friend. i dont think i was treated like one...
5. Name of your first grade teacher?
** Miss Dy.. she always called me a little devil (hahaha and she was our religion teacher)
6. What do you really want to be doing right now?
** lay on a hammock (on a beach.. or maybe sa pearl farm), grab a Chuck Palahniuk book and down a beautifully chilled pitcher of Absolut Mandarin... or be on that "firewall" with Japeth and watch the sun go down, talk all night and THEN watch the sun rise... or go to Vancouver...
7. What did you want to be when you were growing up?
** i wanted to be a teacher... (and i know am a teacher of sorts..)
8. How many colleges did you attend?
** three (for two degrees mind you)
9. Why did you choose the shirt that you have on right now?
** its a shirt that i got from my friend... it says "Blame Canada" hahahaha...
10. What are your thoughts on gas prices?
** ugh! hate it so much.. i find it weird that the value of the Peso had gone up considerably in the world market, however we still have high gas prices... isnt it supposed to happen that there should be a rollback or something?
11. If you could move anywhere and take someone with you, who and where?
** rupert everett and me in Barcelona... romantic city with this utterly charming man with a delightful brit accent.
12. First thought when the alarm went off this morning?
** i dont use an alarm... but when i woke up, i was thinking.. dagnammit.. i didnt want to go to work.. i just wanted to stay in bed and get some more sleep
13. Last thought before going to sleep last night?
** i miss him. i dont want to go to work. i want to go on vacation, probably Barcelona
14. Favorite style of underwear?
** *evil grin*
15. What are your thoughts on downloadable music?
** it goes both ways for me... its a boon because i DO support piracy.. *lol* however, it is also a bane since it makes going to a live concert a dying art (like reading)
16. What errand/ chore do you despise?
** cleaning the house. im O.C i want everything in a proper place and when i start organizing/fising the house... its so hard for me to stop
17. If you didn't have to work, would you volunteer?
** to do what?
18. Get up early or sleep in?
** getting up.. lets me know that i have another day to live...
19. What is your favorite cartoon character?
** Ginger from As Told By Ginger (Nickelodeon), Mandy from The Grimm Adventures of Bill and Mandy (Cartoon Network) and Buttercup from Powerpuff Girls (Cartoon Network)
20. Favorite thing to do at night with a girl/ guy?
** cop a squat and have coffee while talking...
21. What was the last lie you told?
** that i was over something...
22. When did you first start feeling old?
** havent felt that yet
23. Favorite '80's movie?
** The Breakfast Club.. love that movie.. even it is cheesy
24. Your favorite lunch meat?
** chicken.. or shrimp
25. What do you get every time you go into an Apple store?
** salivate over a mac book.. even if i already have my baby ASUS (sorry sweetie..)
26. Beach or lake?
** Beach.. i love the sound that waves make when they reach the shore...
27. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual?
** no... but most people do, which sucks really
28. Do you own property?
** yes.. its in Makati.. i'll use it once i finish paying it off.
29. Favorite guilty pleasure?
** wrapping my books in plastic covers. (oh my god.. that is so nerdy)
30. Favorite movie you wouldn't want anyone to find out about?
** If Only by Jennifer Love Hewitt... my golly, i think thats the only movie that she starred in that i absatively loved...
31. What's your drink?
** Absolut
32. Cowboys or Indians?
** can i say chinese? :lol:
33. Cops or Robbers?
** neither
34. Who from high school would you like to run into?
** probably Dennis... he's this really smart guy who i got to know for awhile but lost contact with when we went to college
35. What radio station is your car radio tuned to right now?
** i rarely listen to the radio now...
36. Long and fast or short and slow?
** what are we talking about here? if its about sex.. can i have both? like long and slow or short and fast?
37. What adult-oriented website would you recommend?
** i dont know
38. Worst relationship mistake that you wish you could take back?
** caring too much...
39. Do you like the person who sits directly next to you at work?
** right now its Cristina... yeah..she's this pretty nice lady. quiet really.
40. What famous person would you like to have dinner with?
** JK Rowling, Neil Gaiman, Pablo Neruda, Robert Frost, Maria Rainer Rilke, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez... i'd pick their brains
41. Indoors or Outdoors?
** im a cave creature.. but i love the outdoors too
42. Have you ever crashed your vehicle?
** nope.. but ive been crashed into a couple of times already
43. Have you ever had to use a fire extinguisher for its intended purpose?
** no.. but i think it would be monumentally cool if i did..
44. Last book you read for real?
** Diary by Chuck Palahniuk... i loved this part where it says: "Leonardo's Mona Lisa is just a thousand smears of paint. Michelangelo's David is just a million hits with a hammer. We're all of us a million bits put together the right way."
45. Do you have a teddy bear?
** yes.. his name is Buddy... he's been with me since i was a kid..
46. Have you ever peed in public?
** not that i can remember...
47. Somewhere in California you've never been and would like to go?
** Hermosa Beach... my cuzzie said 'twas pretty there
48. Do you go to church?
** yes every sunday
49. At this point in your life would you rather start a new career or a new relationship?
** a new relationship... it does get lonely at times...
50. Open or closed marriage?
** CLOSED...
swiped this from Dale.. :*) thanks!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Fifty Questions from Dale
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
6:39 AM
Monday, November 26, 2007
For the Love of George
3am Manila. Bored. Aimlessly meandering through pinoyexchange.com.
i stumble upon the call center thread where one PExer posts this link: http://chroniclesofgeorge.nanc.com/tickets1.htm
since i had nothing better to do, i clicked on the link. i wasnt expecting anything in particular. i thought that this link was for the usual call center boo-boos... but no. this link is different. MUCH different.
please, if you have the time (well if you have too much time on your hands and want to be entertained...) kindly visit the site (or just click on the link posted above) and share my happiness. bear in mind that George is 100% american. Born and bred in Texas.
i dont know if there is something wrong with my sense of humor... or if my sense of the absurd had become so shallow that i get tickled by the fact that this person can make me laugh... just by... hahahaha... just read it to find out...
enjoy. HAVENING a nice day to y'all!
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
1:38 AM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Live. Love. Life In Divisoria
most of my friends say that i am lucky to live in the Divisoria area. there are days that i do and there are days that i dont.
i hate it when BER season comes because it makes it very difficult for me to bring a car to work. the thousands of people that troop to Divi and bargain their hearts out doesnt help my case either. noise pollution ups by 1000% making it hard for me to get some sleep.
the pictures here are some of the reasons why i love living in Divi. (well aside from the fact that if and when i run out of clothes, i can just go down the stairs and cross the street and i can buy a whole new wardrobe)syempre on the first pic.. napaisip ako.. sino si Stepen? (hahahaha step in pala!!!)
next picture... :lol: BREVEHEART. pirated na pirated sya!! hahahaha... i know it was very risky to show the world that you have a high end mobile phone while in divi, but i couldnt help myself. i HAD to take a picture..
so there.. share ko lang!
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
11:56 PM
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thank God for Thanksgiving Day ^_^
i love not having to go to work in the middle of the work week. today North Americans are celebrating Thanksgiving Day, so i will be posting some thanksgiving shoutouts of my own.
- PExers: i am happy that we have taken our online relationships to the next step. I love sharing my life with you... hope we stay friends till we're all old and decrepit.
- Mappet, Harvey, Japeth, Pot-Pot and Jerky: you guys picked me up when i was in the doldrums. Everytime i think about the first time we climbed that damned "firewall" and the booboo last saturday when Mappet kicked the ladder so we couldnt get down from that damned wall.. i wouldnt have minded staying on top of that wall forever and get UTI, as long as i could watch the sun rise with you guys...
- Mayo: dude, pare, chong... thank you for being the crazy fool that you are. for tolerating a loopy lady like me. i love our morning coffee bonding moments. sawa na satin ang Starbucks... hahaha..
- You: for inspiring me. Seeing you makes everything feel better. I thought I lost you there awhile back, but im happy that you're back... seriously... i am happy. just the thought of you being around comforts me.
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
2:13 AM
Monday, November 19, 2007
me and my silly grin
i havent felt this happy in quite awhile. giddy happy. wired happy. manic happy. its not that i havent had my happy moments... i have had my i-am-content-happy moments, those serene-smile-oh-nirvana-happiness, et al but this weekend was different. i cant discuss the full details while i am hazed in this happy fog... however, i feel very happy that somewhere on the other side of the world, someone is wearing the other half of my big silly grin.
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
2:09 AM
Thursday, November 08, 2007
These are a few of my favorite things
these are a few of my favorite things: my charm bracelet (a gift from my boss Kristen. its so cute because the charms that are on it are related to travel. like an airplane and luggage set and a camera) my red Benetton knapsack, my lunch bag and of course my Starbucks commuter mug (one that i bought in Singapore) wala lang!
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
6:56 AM
Monday, November 05, 2007
Bessy Day
i had the loveliest day yesterday.
spent it with one of the few people that i love on this planet, my bessy.
funny thing is, sabi nila hawig daw kaming dalawa. hahahahahah!
was able to talk to a lost friend last night as well. i am happy to say that he is doing well and good,. i never liked the thought of losing contact with friends. so last night when we were talking i was happy,. it was a nice way to end a perfect day.
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
1:45 AM
Friday, November 02, 2007
Breakfast at Starbucks...
i love spending my mornings alone. so every after shift i'd park myself at Starbucks, catch up on my reading for a few hours before heading home.
i lead a wonderful life.
i am blessed.
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
6:51 AM
Thursday, November 01, 2007
F*cking Frustrating...
maybe there is something really wrong with me...
i enjoy going to the office because i love my new job and everytime that i go to the office i have something to look forward to... my new object of my lustful affectations. Oscar. He's this Quality Coach from Publishing. I met him during one of the orientations that the office had hosted.
Since it was Halloween last night, there were some people that wore costumes. one of them was my office inspiration... Oscar.
btw... Oscar is a little gay. i havent confirmed it yet, but he is...
kakainis dba.. crush ko bakla.
ay ambot.
---this is my messy desk. note the Lilo and Stitch Coloring book. that is my stress reliever.
such a messy desk...
Posted by
Kickass Goddess
3:41 PM