All he asked was for them to be remembered.
A story of Honor. Fearlessness. Passion. Blood and Faith... This is what The 300 is about.
The movie is perfect.
300 is a fantasy tale based on the Battle of Thermophylae in which 300 Spartans led by the fierce King Leonidas (uber sexy Gerard Butler) made a heroic stand against the overwhelming Persian army commanded by Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro.. who uncannily looked like a bald Ru Paul *snigger*). Leonidas’ refusal to bow down to Xerxes sets the events in motion, with the Spartan 300 ready to willingly giving up their lives in order to keep Sparta free from the clutches of Xerxes and his invading horde.
The film's cinematography made the whole film look like one long dream sequence. The texture in the movie was so rich... so lush. I loved the way Leonidas' cloak flapped in the wind when he was climbing the mountain to visit the Council. I loved the contrast of color of the red Spartan cape on the golden wheatfield. The Oracle's dance. One word.. LUSH.
Another aspect that I absolutely loved about the movie were the lines that the characters delivered. They were witty, the comic timing was just right and inspiring. I really had to laugh at the thought that they were the ones where trash talking started from take for instance:
"Lay down your arms!"
"Come and get them..."
"Our arrows will blot out the sun..."
"Then we will fight in the shade"
"Spartan women give birth to real men..." (this line just killed me... it just killed me)
" Go and die. I’ll never see you again, but you’ll do this as a free man. Don’t answer this
question as a king or as a Spartan citizen but as a free man."
"This is where we fight... This is where they die..."
This is a film that never, not for one second, considers taking its foot off the accelerator. Once the battle is joined, it pretty much keeps going until the final frame, with only a few dialogue-driven scenes placed here and there to allow you to catch your breath, turn to your buddy and say, "Are you #%!#$!* kidding me!"
(i loved the scene where Leonidas and the Queen were doing it... wow... it was so hot, it almost burnt off my eyebrows...)
But 300's expository scenes are only a small part of the action anyway, a meager price you pay for beautifully choreographed battle scenes. Snyder's fancy camerawork translates 300 from the page so well that it looks more like a comic book than even Sin City. Scenes ebb, flow and freeze in time with the perfectly matched score, and images last just long enough for you to savor them, before being replaced by something equally startling... Seriously... Poetry in motion.
im seriously endorsing this movie because i loved everything about it (even the homosexual undertones... hahaha all that testosterone has to go somewhere...)
The phalanx as it moved as one at The Hot Gate.

Simply put, the movie is like the perfect woman...
Sexy. Gorgeous. Funny. Stunning. Intelligent.
** p.s**
Also, it didnt hurt that there were 300 Gorgeous men in leather (?) underwear, with washboard abs and ripped muscles. hahahaha... Gotta lurve all those lovely golden skin exposed... God love the Spartans.
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