Friday, January 05, 2007

you just... Fall.

lifted from the MSN archive...

01.04.06 / j_quantum & Kickass Goddess


j_quantum says:
hahahha HUGSS baby tight pressing my chest against her breast and whispering to her "Can you feel that heart beating for you?"

Kickass Goddess pretty sad says:

Kickass Goddess pretty sad says:
*blushing in a very pleased way*

Kickass Goddess pretty sad says:
*looks up to my baby and whispers... wish you can hear my heart too...*

j_quantum says:
hahhahaha KISSESS & HUGGSS baby and whispers I love you baby

Kickass Goddess pretty sad says:
*kisses baby back and whispers back i love you too so much*

Kickass Goddess pretty sad says:
i cant actually believe this...

Kickass Goddess pretty sad says:
im inlove with a guy who is half a world away

Kickass Goddess pretty sad says:

Kickass Goddess pretty sad says:
i sure do hope im not entering into something thats gonna end up in a load of hurt...

Kickass Goddess pretty sad says:
*hugs baby tight*

j_quantum says:
hahahha well why would I wanna hurt you baby? hahha

Kickass Goddess pretty sad says:
not physically...

Kickass Goddess pretty sad says:
more on breaking my heart.

j_quantum says:
hahahahha well that's what I meant too. why would I try to break your heart baby? hahaha


im scared shitless... im falling inlove with him. he's half a world away and he's coming back next March... im taking a gamble. this is why they call it falling in love... because you just choose




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